Texas AFL-CIO Slams Ruling That Lets SB4 Proceed

Texas AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Montserrat Garibay strongly criticized today’s 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that allows most of SB 4 – the racial profiling bill – to take effect:
“SB 4 places Texas on the low road of both immigration and workplace policy. It will encourage unequal treatment based on the color of one’s skin. It does major damage to the role of neighborhood law officers who want to avoid becoming local deportation forces and instead seek a partnership with communities.”
“In the workplace, SB 4 will encourage unscrupulous employers who threaten deportation against immigrant workers simply because they dare to seek better conditions or try to collect unpaid wages.”
“The Texas AFL-CIO supports comprehensive immigration reform that would ensure immigrant workers have the same rights as anyone else. Today’s ruling upholding a racist law is a big step in the wrong direction.”